I love shopping for luxury bags when traveling! I also love hunting rare handbags in second hand shops in other countries. However, prices for these luxury bags can vary significantly from one country to another, or currency exchange rates. Finding the prices of specific handbags at a given year can be really chalenging and time consuming.
This is wheen I got the idea for MyBagIndex! ✨
MyBagIndex will list you prices of luxury bags across different countries and different years. Whether you're eyeing a classic Louis Vuitton Alma BB or the latest Chanel flap bag, MyBagIndex provides up-to-date price, allowing you to find the best deals and make informed purchasing decisions.
Global Price Comparison: Luxury bags aren't the same in every country. We will give you a comprehensive comparison of luxury bag prices in various countries, taking into account the local retail prices, taxes. This feature is particularly useful for travelers who might find significant price differences depending on where they make their purchase.
Currency Conversion: We convert prices into your preferred currency, making it easy to understand the real cost of a bag without having to do the math yourself and save a huge amount of time.
Historical Price Data: Want to know how the price of your favorite bag has changed over time? MyBagIndex provides historical price data, allowing you to track trends and make better purchasing decisions based on past price fluctuations.
User-Friendly Interface: With a clean, intuitive design, MyBagIndex is easy to navigate. Simply enter the brand and model of the bag you're interested in, and you'll receive a detailed price comparison in seconds. Instead of trying to go to each websites and changing their locations
Regular Updates: The luxury market is dynamic, with prices changing frequently. MyBagIndex is regularly updated to ensure you have access to the most current price information available.
Happy shopping 👝 !